"The role of social movements is very important because of the ethical nature, by political nature, and by aesthetic nature. " Paulo Freire
Union of Housing Movements
The MDF is affiliated to UMM-SP - Union of Movements of Housing of the great São Paulo and Interior entity of which the MDF is founding Entity fruit of the great occupations occurred in the 80's in various regions of the city. The MDF composes the Secretariat of ghettos of UMM-SP
Link: http://www.unmp.org.br
HIC - Habitat International Coalition
The Habiat International Coalition is a global network of civil society organizations that strives for the right to habitat and social justice. The MDF has been affiliated since 1996 where it participated in the second UN-organized Habitat conference in Istanbul, Turkey
Link: http://www.hic-gs.org
MNDH - National Human Rights Movement
The MDF is affiliated to the National Movement of Human Rights - MNDH and composes the CONDEPE - SP - State Council of Rights of the Human Person.
Link: http://www.mndh.org.br/